It's a beautiful summer afternoon, and you've just left home to enjoy the weather a bit. It's the first really warm day since summer started. As you head down the sidewalk, you can't help but smile as you look at the cloudless blue sky.
It is then that the ground disappears from beneath you, and you are falling, fast. Panic hits you like a shock in the chest. Within seconds, you lose consciousness.
The next thing you know, you're standing on the outskirts of a small Japanese village, the houses done in the style of the early Meiji Era. There is a folded piece of paper in your hand. You open it and read:
"Welcome to Gensokyo! You have been selected to be the subject of an experiment, wherein I hope to answer the question: how far could a randomly-chosen human from the outside world get in Gensokyo?
Perhaps you've never heard of this place. Well, no matter how confused you might be feeling right now, rest assured you're a lucky individual. Gensokyo is a place few people get to visit. Here, magic is real, and creatures you've never seen outside of myths are alive and well. It can be breathtakingly beautiful. But be warned - it can also be deadly. There are areas of Gensokyo humans avoid, for good reason. Be sure to keep your wits about you.
Right now, you are in the Human Village. This is your starting point. The three structures closest to you should be the Inn, the Blacksmith, and the Noodle Stand. From here, you will move to parts unknown. You will meet people, youkai, and magical beings along the way. Some of them are a part of the experiment - they have been given instructions on what to do and say with you - while others you meet will have no idea who you are.
Your task is to be a welcome guest in the court of the moon princess Kaguya Houraisan. Once you have been welcomed to Kaguya's court, and spent some time enjoying yourself there, you will be returned to whence you came, and no time will have passed, so you needn't worry about your affairs in the outside world.
You are free to go where you want, when you want. Keep in mind that even small decisions you make can have profound effects on future outcomes. Be cautious and wary. But also, enjoy yourself! Feel free to engage with the people and creatures you meet. You might make some friends.
Good luck, explorer. Do not let me down.
Yukari Yakumo"
Where will you go first?
The Inn.
The Blacksmith.
The Noodle Stand.

The Inn
You enter the tavern area, which is one large room furnished with simple tables and chairs. The afternoon light casts long shadows of the tables across the room. Two men stand at the bar, talking in low voices as the bartender polishes glasses soundlessly. Apart from these people you see no one else. Then, in a dimmer corner, you see a figure seated at a table, writing in an open book, a small stack of books resting beside her. On closer examination, you see this is none other than Keine Kamishirasawa. She notices you as you approach. She regards you steadily for a moment, as if trying to make up her mind about something, and then nods. She puts her pen down.
"So it happened again," she says. "You must be the new person. Well, no turning back now until you've done as Yukari's asked. Here's hoping you fare better than the last guest." She closes the book she was writing in and stands.
"Well, I have a pretty busy day tomorrow. I was just doing the lesson plan. There's still more work for me to do at the school, actually." Keine thinks for a moment. "You're welcome to come along, I guess. If that doesn't interest you, I could always come back for you tonight and take you to the Bamboo Forest." She shrugs.
Go to the school with Keine.
Wait here, have her take me to the Bamboo Forest later.
Think I'll go to the Blacksmith instead.
Think I'll go to the Noodle Stand instead.
The Bamboo Forest
"Not a problem," Keine says with a smile, standing. She gathers her books together. "Well, I'll see you later on." With that, she leaves the inn.
You pass your time at the Inn watching people walk past the window, occassionally coming inside. As dusk approaches, the place begins to fill a bit. Before long, Keine enters, and comes to your table, sitting down.
"Well, I think I'm caught up enough to take you to see a friend of mine in the Bamboo Forest. She'll probably help you out. We'll see. But after I take you there, you're on your own. I still have a lot of preparations to do." She stands. "Let's go."
You follow her out of the village. A simple dirt road leads out of the village. You walk in silence, taking in the dazzling sunset burning slowly down behind the mountains in the distance. The air is warm and clean, the sounds of lazy bees and the occasion call from an unseen bird arising now and then.
Soon you are at the outskirts of the Bamboo Forest. Keine looks around for a moment, and then points with a smile. "There." You turn, looking into the forest, and see Fujiwara no Mokou seated by a large bamboo stalk. You follow Keine to Mokou.
Mokou turns to you as you approach. She smiles, and stands.
"Well. So this is the new guest? A pleasure." Mokou then turns to Keine. "I'm glad you brought him to me." She turns back to you again. "Where do you need to go, stranger?"
You hand her the letter Yukari gave you. She skims it, then shakes her head, handing it back to you."
"I'm sorry, but I can't take you to Eientei. Not since I crashed Kaguya's banquet. If I so much as get near that place she's going to come after me. And you know, it's not like I can't hold my own against her, but it's just not worth the headache." She thinks for a moment. "Tell you what I'll do."
Mokou turns away from you, cups her hands to either side of her mouth and lets out a sharp, loud whistle. Within seconds, a youkai rabbit comes running up from out of the shadows. Mokou smiles at her warmly, then turns back to you.
"This youkai rabbit can be your guide in the Bamboo Forest. You won't need to worry about a thing with this one. She can take you to Eientei. If you run into trouble along the way, though, she might not be able to help you. If you think you've got a good sense of direction, you can always go it alone."
That's alright, I'll find my own way.
Accept the help of the youkai rabbit.
The School
"Yeah, sure, that's not a problem." Keine starts walking to the door, leading the way. "You might even learn something. I'm planning on covering nocturnal youkai. It'll take you a few days to succeed - or fail - the task that Yukari's given you." You walk out into the village square. You pass three men who stare in surprise as you walk past them. "That means you might be caught outside at night. Knowing is half the battle. Some nocturnal youkai are very aggressive. Others will prey on you by trying to gain your trust. However, you'll occassionally run into one that'll feel sorry for you and try to help you out. You have to keep your eyes open."
You arrive at the school. It's a one-classroom furnished with desks and chairs arranged in rows, facing a larger desk at the front of the room, behind which hangs a large black slate chalkboard. "Nocturnal Youkai" is written in larger letters near the top.
Keine sets her books down on her desk. "So anyways, when it comes to nocturnal youkai, the most important thing of all is to never forget that-"
The door swings open suddenly, and in steps Cirno. "Heya, Keine! I was just passing by and-" she turns to you, and feigns surprise terribly. "Oh my! Who is this strange person? How on earth did he-"
"Come off it, Cirno." Keine snaps. "What do you want?"
Cirno pauses, then smirks. "I was just thinking, you know, that it's good for guests to be shown around properly. That's all." She turns to you. "I mean, you could sit her all day and listen to blah blah blah, or you could come out to the Misty Lake! It's really gorgeous."
Hey, why not? Let's go to the Misty Lake.
Eh, think I'll pass and go to the Bamboo Forest with Keine in a bit.
The Bamboo Forest
Cirno shrugs. "Suit yourself." She heads for the door. Opening it, she turns to you again. "Try not to die!," she chirps happily, and closes the door behind her.
Keine sighs. "Anyways. It'll be a while until evening. Best to get settled in."
Keine spends most of the time writing her lesson plan, talking to you about the different species of nocturnal youkai. At long last, she sets down her pen and looks at you.
"Well, I think I'm caught up enough to take you to see a friend of mine in the Bamboo Forest. She'll probably help you out. We'll see. But after I take you there, you're on your own. I still have a lot of preparations to do." She stands. "Let's go."
You follow her out of the village. It's dusk. A simple dirt road leads out of the village. You walk in silence, taking in the dazzling sunset burning slowly down behind the mountains in the distance. The air is warm and clean, the sounds of lazy bees and the occasion call from an unseen bird arising now and then.
Soon you are at the outskirts of the Bamboo Forest. Keine looks around for a moment, and then points with a smile. "There." You turn, looking into the forest, and see Fujiwara no Mokou seated by a large bamboo stalk. You follow Keine to Mokou.
Mokou turns to you as you approach. She smiles, and stands.
"Well. So this is the new guest? A pleasure." Mokou then turns to Keine. "I'm glad you brought him to me." She turns back to you again. "Where do you need to go, stranger?"
You hand her the letter Yukari gave you. She skims it, then shakes her head, handing it back to you."
"I'm sorry, but I can't take you to Eientei. Not since I crashed Kaguya's banquet. If I so much as get near that place she's going to come after me. And you know, it's not like I can't hold my own against her, but it's just not worth the headache." She thinks for a moment. "Tell you what I'll do."
Mokou turns away from you, cups her hands to either side of her mouth and lets out a sharp, loud whistle. Within seconds, a youkai rabbit comes running up from out of the shadows. Mokou smiles at her warmly, then turns back to you.
"This youkai rabbit can be your guide in the Bamboo Forest. You won't need to worry about a thing with this one. She can take you to Eientei. If you run into trouble along the way, though, she might not be able to help you. If you think you've got a good sense of direction, you can always go it alone."
That's alright, I'll find my own way.
Accept the help of the youkai rabbit.
In the Company of the Youkai Rabbit
"Great," Mokou smiles. "Good luck to you, stranger." Keine and Mokou wave you off, as the youkai rabbit leads you into the Bamboo Forest.
It gets darker as you move deeper into the forest, the tall bamboo stalks getting denser. The youkai rabbit is silent as she leads you on. Looking up, you can see patches of the deep purple evening sky, the last rays of sunlight about to fade. A gentle wind makes the stalks creak as they slowly sway at their tops.
Soon it is so dark you can only see the faintest shadow of the youkai rabbit, walking on a meter ahead of you. Then suddenly, she stops walking. You hear a faint hiss somewhere off to your right, and the next thing you know, the youkai rabbit has run away.
You are alone in the dark, somewhere in the Bamboo Forest. And the hissing is getting louder as it gets closer and closer.
The Bamboo Forest can be dangerous - know who to trust.
Alone in the Bamboo Forest
"A tough guy, are you?" Mokou smirks. "I have to admire you for that. Well, best of luck to you stranger." Keine and Mokou wave you off as you walk into the Bamboo Forest. Looking up, you can see patches of the deep purple evening sky, the last rays of sunlight about to fade. A gentle wind makes the stalks creak as they slowly sway at their tops.
It gets darker as you move deeper into the forest, the tall bamboo stalks getting denser. You look for signs of any sort of path, but see none, walking on, cautiously. Your footsteps and the creaking of the bamboo stalks are the only sounds you hear. But then something drops down in front of you. It startles you, but focusing again, you see Aya Syameimaru standing before you, smiling warmly.
"Good evening! You appear to be lost. And as I've never seen you before, I'm guessing you're new around here, aren't you? That's what I thought." She considers you momentarily, then asks, "Say, are you carrying anything of value on you right now? Something, maybe, that could be construed as a gift?"
Why, yes, I do have something of value on me.
Actually, no, I don't.
The Tengu Continues
"Oh, I see. Well, never mind that. You know, it's really amazing that you got this far. If you make it, I'd love to get an exclusive interview with you." She smiles, her eyes bright at the prospect. "So I guess it'd be in my best interests if I helped you out. Hm. I know! I'll take you to the Forest of Magic. I know just the person."
To the Forest of Magic with you!
Misty Lake
"Alright, I win!" Cirno cheers. "C'mon, new guy. Let's go to the Misty Lake!"
You follow her out of the school. The afternoon light is getting a bit dimmer. She leads you down a dirt road towards a wooded area. It's a gorgeous day - just a few cirrus clouds far up in the sky, the air warm and still.
However, Cirno is talking continuously. About all the fights she's been in, how fast she can fly, all the different kinds of food she's found around the lake - the topics change without any segue, and she never pauses.
The talking continues as you walk through the woods. Through the trees, you can see it - the Misty Lake. It is indeed quite beautiful. The sound of Cirno's talking fades as you approach the shore, the tiny waves of the blue water sending shards of sunlight dashing across the surface.
"Hey! Are you listening to me?" Cirno raises her voice a bit, pouting. "I said I want to you to tell me a story about where you're from. OK?" She sits down on the shore. "And make it a good one, I like to be entertained."
Sure, I'll tell the ice fairy a story.
I'm pretty tired and in not much of a storytelling mood.
Telling Cirno a Story
You regail Cirno with tales of the modern technological advances in your world, and she listens with rapt attention as you describe television, mobile phones, and the internet.
"Wow ... that sounds pretty amazing. Sounds a million times better than this place." She smiles. "You're alright. I like you. And because I like you, I'm going to show you a secret path to Scarlet Devil Mansion. No youkai, no dangers. Just a short trip straight there. Also, I found this stupid thing outside the human village the other day. Hang on." Cirno gets up, and walks to a bush just a few meters away. She returns holding a large black cylinder, about a meter long.
"It's this thing that you put a candle inside of, and the light coming out those holes shines lights on the ceiling that look like the stars. I can't use it, of course. I just found it laying around right outside the village. You're welcome to have it."
You receive the Planetarium.
"Well, let's go. Time's wasting."
Off to Scarlet Devil Mansion with you!
No Story for Cirno
"What?" Cirno looks hurt, and then angry. "What's your problem? Sheesh, I showed you Misty Lake. One little story's the least you could do." Cirno stands, pointing to the woods. "Out. Get away from my lake! I never want to see you again." She turns her back on you then, crossing her arms in front of her chest, resolute.
You walk back into the woods. Just as you reach the edge, a flash appears out of the sky, and suddenly, Aya Syameimaru is standing in front of you.
"Good evening! You appear to be lost. And as I've never seen you before, I'm guessing you're new around here, aren't you? That's what I thought." She considers you momentarily, then asks, "Say, are you carrying anything of value on you right now? Something, maybe, that could be construed as a gift?"
Why, yes, I do have something of value on me.
Actually, no, I don't.
The Blacksmith
You enter the blacksmith, and find a single room with paneled floors. Across two walls is a counter, behind which you see the fireplace, bellows, anvil, and an array of tools and other items hanging on the walls. The blacksmith himself is loading the fireplace with wood. You look around, examining your surroundings.
Soon, Sakuya Izayoi enters. She eyes you momentarily, cautiously, and then approaches the counter. The blacksmith comes to the counter, carrying a large wooden box, which he sets down in front of Sakuya. She thanks him, taking up the box, and heading towards the door. She stops partway across the room, and turns to you.
"Forgive my intrusion," she says, "But I couldn't help noticing that you seem to be new around here. And by that I mean Gensokyo." You briefly explain the situation to her. "Ah, of course. Yukari brought you here, didn't she. What a shame." She taps her foot, looking you over. "I can't stand to see another human being in trouble. If you want, you can come with me to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. You appear harmless enough. Maybe you might get some assistance there."
Agree to tag along to Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Offer to help Sakuya carry her things back to Scarlet Devil Mansion
Think I'll go to the Inn instead.
Think I'll go to the Noodle Stand instead.
On the way to Scarlet Devil Mansion
Cirno takes you across the water to the island's shore, leading you to the entrance to the path, wishes you luck, and heads back to Misty Lake. The path is, as Cirno promised, completely safe. It is a wide dirt road through the trees. The evening stars are beginning to blossom in the ink blue sky. The air is still surprisingly warm. You hear the chirping of crickets, and the faintest flickering of fireflies appear in the darkness between the trees.
Before long you come to a fork where another path leads into your own. There, you see a figure approaching you. It is Sakuya Izayoi, carrying a large wooden box in her arms. She stops as you get closer, and regards you for a moment.
"Forgive my staring," she says, "But I couldn't help noticing that you seem to be new around here. And by that I mean Gensokyo." You explain the situation to her briefly. "Ah, of course. Yukari brought you here, didn't she. What a shame." She taps her foot, looking you over. "I can't stand to see another human being in trouble. If you want, you can come with me to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. You appear harmless enough. Maybe you might get some assistance there."
Agree to tag along to Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Offer to help Sakuya carry her things back to Scarlet Devil Mansion
Tagging along with Sakuya
"Of course, it'd be a pleasure to have some company," Sakuya smiles warmly. "Let's get going."
The two of you walk in silence. Sakuya appears reticent, not initiating any conversation, and answering your questions as briefly as possible. Even while rowing her to the island's shore, Sakuya just looked at the lake's surface, quiet. You reach the shore of the island, and the two of you are off.
Before long you arrive at the gates of Scarlet Devil Mansion. A tall stone wall surrounds the impressive multi-spired structure, looking as if it's been dropped out of the sky from 19th century horror novel. The gate itself is wrought iron. Standing before the gate is Hong Meiling. She gives you a questioning look.
"And who might you be?" she asks curtly. "Oh? So you're new to Gensokyo? Well. I don't know about where you're from, but here in Gensokyo people have etiquette. How could you let our Sakuya carry a box full of iron door hinges?"
"Really, it's nothing," Sakuya cuts in, laughing nervously. "I've carried back heavier things from the village."
"That's not the point. You brought him here, and did he once offer to carry that for you?"
Sakuya looks down. "No, he didn't," she says at last.
"Disgraceful," says Hong Meiling, shaking her head. "Your kind isn't welcome here. Go back to the Human Village and learn some manners."
Common courtesy can pay off.
At the Gates of Scarlet Devil Mansion
"Sure thing, I can take you right to the gates," says Nitori, nodding. "But we better move fast. If we get there at tea time, there's no way we're getting in there."
Nitori spirits you off with her, over the Forest of Magic, the treetops swaying gently beneath you. Looking at the doming of the sky from these heights, you know the Hakurei Border is somewhere in the distance, that you're looking right at it even though you can't see it.
Before long, Nitori brings you down at the foot of a path going up a hill, upon which sits Scarlet Devil Mansion.
"Good luck to you, stranger." Nitori smiles. "It was nice to have met you. Perhaps we can meet again some day." With that, she turns and walks away, into the forest around the hill.
You head up the path. Before long you arrive at the gates of Scarlet Devil Mansion. A tall stone wall surrounds the impressive multi-spired structure, looking as if it's been dropped out of the sky from 19th century horror novel. The gate itself is wrought iron. Standing before the gate is Hong Meiling. She gives you a questioning look.
"And who might you be?" she asks suspiciously. "Oh, just thought you'd drop by to see Lady Remilia? Well, this isn't a public library. You don't just drop in on the lady of the house. Have you no manners?" She crosses her arms, unwavering. "Go back to the Human Village, and learn some manners."
Common courtesy can pay off.
Lending a Helping Hand
"Oh, thank you, that's very kind of you." She beams with gratitude, clearly not used to anyone offering her help. You take the box into your arms. "It's a bit heavy, I know. I went to the blacksmith to pick up an order of new door hinges. We seem to go through a lot of them."
Although the box is heavy, you don't seem to notice the weight so much, as Sakuya is pleasant, answering your many questions about life in the mansion. Reaching the shores of the Misty Lake, her rowboat is moored on the sane. As you row the two of you across the water to the island not far away, she is warm and engaging, making the time pass quickly. Arriving on the island's shore, the two of you are off.
Before long you are walking up a path that snakes its way up a hill, upon which sits the mansion. As you approach, you see a tall stone wall surrounds the impressive multi-spired structure, looking as if it's been dropped out of the sky from 19th century horror novel. The gate itself is wrought iron. Standing before the gate is Hong Meiling. She gives you a questioning look.
"And who might you be?" she asks suspiciously. "Oh, is that right? New to Gensokyo? And what's this you've got, a present?"
"No, Meiling," Sakuya cuts in. "It's the new door hinges. He offered to carry them for me. He really doesn't know his way around here, so I invited him."
Hong Meiling considers this for a moment. Then she relaxes her pose a bit. "Well, you were kind enough to carry those things all the way here. Hm. I suppose you can come in." She steps aside for you.
Passing through the gates, you cross the courtyard's well-manicured lawn and marvel at this structure. While not necessarily a large mansion, it casts an impressive figure. The arched windows, the charcoal black stone, and of course the clocktower, the face of the clock bone white.
A pair of tall iron doors open before you. You enter the foyer - it's dark, even as your eyes adjust. The ceilings are vaulted. The floor is covered in thick burgundy carpeting. There are three doors along the opposite wall.
Sakuya turns to you, taking the box from your arms. "Thanks, I can take it from here. Well, you have a few options. You can visit Flandre, you can visit Lady Remilia, or you can visit the library. I'm sure you'll manage to get some help from someone."
Visit the Library.
Visit Flandre.
Visit Remilia.
Visiting Flandre
"Flandre first? Alright, then." Sakuya sets the box down on the floor. "I'll have to come with you, then, so that she trusts you."
Sakuya leads you to the door on the left. You go all the way down the dimly lit hall, lined with a series of identical wooden doors. At the end of the hall, she opens the door to the right, leading you down some stairs, into what seems to be a storage room - there are barrels against one wall, shelves on the walls above them, stocked with boxes and jars. You walk across the room to a door on the opposite side, which leads down more stairs, to another door. It appears to be made out of cast iron, and very thick. At eye level, there is a small slot in the door.
Sakuya smiles at you, then turns to the door. "Miss Flandre?" Sakuya calls into the slot. "I'm here with a guest. We're going to come in, alright?"
There is no response. Nonetheless, Sakuya reaches into her apron, taking out a key. Putting the key in the lock, she turns it. The tumblers fall with a loud clang, and the door slowly swings open.
"Just ... come in behind me." Sakuya says, and enters the room.
It is a small, spartan room, with a small bed in one corner, and a table in chair in the opposite corner. There, sitting with her elbow on the table, chin resting in her hand, is Flandre Scarlet.
She eyes you up briefly, then turns to Sakuya. "Who's this?"
"This is a guest, Miss Flandre. He's new to Gensokyo, so I invited him here to see if he could maybe get some guidance. He requested to see you, specifically."
Flandre turns to you, and grins. "Is that so? Well, then you'd better make yourself useful." Flandre cracks her knuckles, slowly, and says, "Go down to the Library and get a book for me. If I like what you picked, I might help you out. If not, well, you'll be able to tell. So hurry on, now."
To the Library with you!
Visiting Remilia
"You want to meet the lady of those house?" Sakuya asks you, mildly surprised. "You get right to the point, don't you? Very well, then. Follow me." Sakuya leads you through the door in the middle. You walk down a hallway paneled with darkly-polished wood, lit only by the occasional candlestand here and there. On the walls hang paintings; portraits of people you don't recognize, most of them dressed in the style of older centuries. You arrive at last at a set of double doors. Sakuya turns both knobs at once, pushing the doors open.
"My Lady," she announces, "A guest from the outside world has arrived."
The room also has vaulted ceilings and plush burgundy carpeting, like the foyer, but large cast iron candelabras hang from heavy chains, and a long mahogany table lies before you. At the end of the table, you can see the petite outline of Remilia Scarlet. She sets down her teacup, and smiles warmly at you.
"Come," she says. "Let's have a look at the person from the outside world."
Sakuya walks with you as you approach. Remilia regards you steadily, her small, placid smile never flinching, her eyes unblinking. You stop before her. She looks you up and down, and cocks her head. "Hm," she says at last. "For some reason I was expecting something a bit more ... remarkable."
"My Lady, this stranger has traveled a long ways to be here, and has undoubtedly encountered hardships. I offered our help to him."
Remilia raises an eyebrow as she looks at Sakuya. "Did you now?" Remilia turns back to you. "Well, then, honored guest. You should consider yourself lucky. I'm in a hospitable mood today." She taps her finger on the table slowly, considering. "Be a good guest and run down to the library. Fetch me a book that I might find entertaining. If you choose well, I will most certainly help you. If you choose poorly, you will be shown the door. That is all."
She turns back to her tea, and takes a sip, before looking at you again. "Well? Run along now. And hurry back."
To the Library with you!
Off to Remilia
Sakuya leads you from Flandre's room. You walk through a series of hallways and stairs. You arrive at last at a set of double doors. Sakuya turns both knobs at once, pushing the doors open.
"My Lady," she announces, "A guest from the outside world has arrived."
The room also has vaulted ceilings and plush burgundy carpeting, like the foyer, but large cast iron candelabras hang from heavy chains, and a long mahogany table lies before you. At the end of the table, you can see the petite outline of Remilia Scarlet. She sets down her teacup, and smiles warmly at you.
"Come," she says. "Let's have a look at the person from the outside world."
Sakuya walks with you as you approach. Remilia regards you steadily, her small, placid smile never flinching, her eyes unblinking. You stop before her. She looks you up and down, and cocks her head. "Hm," she says at last. "For some reason I was expecting something a bit more ... remarkable."
"My Lady, this stranger has traveled a long ways to be here, and has undoubtedly encountered hardships. I offered our help to him."
Remilia raises an eyebrow as she looks at Sakuya. "Did you now?" Remilia turns back to you. "Well, then, honored guest. You should consider yourself lucky. I'm in a hospitable mood today." She taps her finger on the table, slowly. "fBe a good guest and run down to the library. Fetch me a book that I might find entertaining. If you choose well, I will most certainly help you. If you choose poorly, you will be shown the door. That is all."
She turns back to her tea, and takes a sip, before looking at you again. "Well? Run along now. And hurry back."
To the Library with you!
The Scarlet Devil Mansion Library
Sakuya bows once to Flandre. "Of course, Miss Flandre." You follow Sakuya out of the room. She closes and locks the door behind you. "I hope you're able to find something Flandre likes," Sakuya says as she leads you up the stairs. "She's been a bit difficult to entertain lately."
You are lead through a series of stairs and hallways leading further down, before you arrive at last at the library. Row upon row of shelves reach almost the entire way to the ceiling. The room is extraordinarily quiet, save for the slow ticking of an unseen clock.
"This way," Sakuya says, leading the way down an aisle between the shelves, before taking a right. There is scarcely space to walk, the shelves are so close together. At the end of the aisle, Sakuya turns to the right.
"Miss Patchoulli?" she says, and there you see Patchoulli Knowledge, seated a desk lit by lantern light, reading a book. She looks up, takes one look at you, and nods her head. "Another one." She says at last.
"Miss Patchoulli, this is a guest from the outside world."
"I know," says Patchoulli, and coughs softly into her hand. "Poor unfortunate. What can I do for you?"
You tell Patchoulli that Flandre has asked you for a book, but she wouldn't say which one she wanted.
"Well," she says, setting down her book, "I can only think of two titles that would appeal to her. One is a bit of a gruesome story, about a little girl with amazingly destructive power. And the other is ... well, it's a bit sentimental, but it might appeal to her. You never know." She stands. "I can let you borrow either one. Just please, make sure she doesn't damage it, will you? They take so long to replace."
I choose The Little Girl Who Ate Monsters.
I choose The Happy Little Fairies Bake a Pie.
The Scarlet Devil Mansion Library
Sakuya bows once to Remilia. "Of course, my lady." You follow Sakuya out of the room. She closes the doors behind you. "I hope for your sake you pick a book that pleases my lady," she says as she leads you back down the hall. "She can be a bit ... particular at times."
You are lead through a series of stairs and hallways leading further down, before you arrive at last at the library. Row upon row of shelves reach almost the entire way to the ceiling. The room is extraordinarily quiet, save for the slow ticking of an unseen clock.
"This way," Sakuya says, leading the way down an aisle between the shelves, before taking a right. There is scarcely space to walk, the shelves are so close together. At the end of the aisle, Sakuya turns to the right.
"Miss Patchoulli?" she says, and there you see Patchoulli Knowledge, seated a desk lit by lantern light, reading a book. She looks up, takes one look at you, and nods her head. "Another one." She says at last.
"Miss Patchoulli, this is a guest from the outside world."
"I know," says Patchoulli, and coughs softly into her hand. "Poor unfortunate. What can I do for you?"
You tell Patchoulli that Remilia has asked you for a book, but she wouldn't say which one she wanted.
"Well," she says, setting down her book, "I can only think of two titles that would appeal to her. One is a history of her family, spanning back centuries. It's a bit dry, but informative. The other is ... well, it's a love story. I think I saw her eyeing it up the other day, but might have been too embarrassed to pick it up in front of me. Or she might have been looking at another title. I don't know."
I choose Annotated History of the Tepes Family.
I choose Romance On the High Seas.
The Scarlet Devil Mansion Library
"Oh, the library first? Probably a good choice. Best to get acquainted with the place a bit before going ahead and meeting the head of the household, or her sister. Right this way."
Sakuya leads you through the door on the right. You are lead through a series of stairs and hallways leading further down. The halls are well-upholstered with finely polished wood, the occasional candlestand providing your only light as you go. Before long you arrive at last at the library. Row upon row of shelves reach almost the entire way to the ceiling. The room is extraordinarily quiet, save for the slow ticking of an unseen clock.
"This way," Sakuya says, leading the way down an aisle between the shelves, before taking a right. There is scarcely space to walk, the shelves are so close together. At the end of the aisle, Sakuya turns to the right.
"Miss Patchoulli?" she says, and there you see Patchoulli Knowledge, seated a desk lit by lantern light, reading a book. She looks up, takes one look at you, and nods her head. "Another one." She says at last.
"Miss Patchoulli, this is a guest from the outside world."
"I know," says Patchoulli, and coughs softly into her hand. "Poor unfortunate. What can I do for you?"
You explain that Yukari Yakumo has given you a quest to be invited to the court of Kaguya Houraisan. Patchoulli considers this for a moment.
"Well, I'm afraid I can't help you. I am far too busy, as you can see." She closes her book, setting it down on the table. "However, I believe either Lady Remilia or Miss Flandre might be of service. But I wouldn't go empty-handed, if I were you." She stands. "Both have lately taken to having stories read to them by Sakuya. I recommend choosing a title for one of them. There are, of course, numerous titles to choose from. I can help narrow down your choices."
Patchoulli coughs softly into her hand. "If you intend to visit Miss Flandre, I can recommend two titles. One is a bit of a gruesome story, about a little girl with amazingly destructive power. And the other is ... well, it's a bit sentimental, but it might appeal to her. You never know. I can let you borrow either one. Just please, make sure she doesn't damage it, will you? They take so long to replace."
She begins to walk down the aisle. "If, however, you intend to go straight to the lady of the house, the two titles I would recommend would be a history of her family, spanning back centuries. It's a bit dry, but informative. The other is ... well, it's a love story. I think I saw her eyeing it up the other day, but might have been too embarrassed to pick it up in front of me. Or she might have been looking at another title. I don't know."
I choose Annotated History of the Tepes Family.
I choose Romance On the High Seas.
I choose The Little Girl Who Ate Monsters.
I choose The Happy Little Fairies Bake a Pie.
Reading a Story for Flandre
Patchoulli nods. "Wait here." She walks down the aisle, making a turn at the end. You and Sakuya wait for a while. She occasionally smiles at you nervously as you wait for Patchoulli's return. Eventually, Patchoulli reappears at the end of the aisle, carrying a large book. She walks to you, handing it over, a bit out of breath. "There you are. Best of luck to you," she says, returning to her desk.
Sakuya leads you out of the library, through a series of stairs and hallways. You arrive at last at a large cast iron door. Sakuya reaches into her apron, taking out a set of keys, turning it in the door's lock with a large clanging sound. She smiles at you as she opens the door. "Just don't make any sudden movements," she advises. You walk into the room behind her.
Within the large room, Flandre Scarlet sits on her small bed in one corner of the room. She smiles when she sees you, and eyes up the book.
"So then," she says with a grin. "I see our house guest has brought a book for me at last. Well, give it to Sakuya so that she can read it for me."
You hand the book to Sakuya. She opens it to the first page, and begins to read from it out loud. Flandre rests her chin in her hands, elbows on knees, listening with rapt attention. She appears utterly fascinated by the story. After a few pages, she holds up to her hand Sakuya, and turns to you.
"You chose well. I'm really pleased! I guess I won't have you for dinner after all. Thanks again, stranger!"
It seems Flandre is not going to do anything to help you. Realizing this, Sakuya says, "Miss Flandre, if you don't mind, our guest is in a bit of a hurry. Would you mind if I take him somewhere else before I continue reading?"
Flandre sighs. "No, I guess not. Just hurry up about it. I want to hear more about this pie!"
Sakuya turns to you. "Come. I will take you to the lady of the house now."
Well that was neat. Guess I'll see what Remilia's up to.
Reading a Story for Flandre
Patchoulli nods. "Wait here." She walks down the aisle, making a turn at the end. You and Sakuya wait for a while. She occasionally smiles at you nervously as you wait for Patchoulli's return. Eventually, Patchoulli reappears at the end of the aisle, carrying a large book. She walks to you, handing it over, a bit out of breath. "There you are. Best of luck to you," she says, returning to her desk.
Sakuya leads you out of the library, through a series of stairs and hallways. You arrive at last at a large cast iron door. At eye level, there is a small slot in the door.
Sakuya smiles at you, then turns to the door. "Miss Flandre?" Sakuya calls into the slot. "I'm here with a guest. We're going to come in, alright?"
There is no response. Nonetheless, Sakuya reaches into her apron, taking out a key. Putting the key in the lock, she turns it. The tumblers fall with a loud clang, and the door slowly swings open.
"Just ... come in behind me." Sakuya says, and enters the room.
It is a small, spartan room, with a small bed in one corner, and a table in chair in the opposite corner. There, sitting with her elbow on the table, chin resting in her hand, is Flandre Scarlet.
She eyes you up briefly, then turns to Sakuya. "Who's this?"
"This is a guest, Miss Flandre. He's new to Gensokyo, so I invited him here to see if he could maybe get some guidance. He requested to see you, specifically."
Flandre turns to you, and grins. "Is that so?
"Yes Miss Flandre. And he brought a book for you."
"How nice," she says with a grin. "Well, give it to Sakuya so that she can read it for me."
You hand the book to Sakuya. She opens it to the first page, and begins to read from it out loud. Flandre rests her chin in her hands, elbows on knees, listening with rapt attention. She appears utterly fascinated by the story. After a few pages, she holds up to her hand Sakuya, and turns to you.
"You chose well. I'm really pleased! I guess I won't have you for dinner after all. Thanks again, stranger!"
It seems Flandre is not going to do anything to help you. Realizing this, Sakuya says, "Miss Flandre, if you don't mind, our guest is in a bit of a hurry. Would you mind if I take him somewhere else before I continue reading?"
Flandre sighs. "No, I guess not. Just hurry up about it. I want to hear more about this pie!"
Sakuya turns to you. "Come. I will take you to the lady of the house now."
Well that was neat. Guess I'll see what Remilia's up to.
Reading a Story for Flandre
Patchoulli nods. "Wait here." She walks down the aisle, making a turn at the end. You and Sakuya wait for a while. She occasionally smiles at you nervously as you wait for Patchoulli's return. Eventually, Patchoulli reappears at the end of the aisle, carrying a large book. She walks to you, handing it over, a bit out of breath. "There you are. Best of luck to you," she says, returning to her desk.
Sakuya leads you out of the library, through a series of stairs and hallways. You arrive at last at a large cast iron door. Sakuya reaches into her apron, taking out a set of keys, turning it in the door's lock with a large clanging sound. She smiles at you as she opens the door. "Just don't make any sudden movements," she advises. You walk into the room behind her.
Within the large room, Flandre Scarlet sits on her small bed in one corner of the room. She smiles when she sees you, and eyes up the book.
"So then," she says with a grin. "I see our house guest has brought a book for me at last. Well, give it to Sakuya so that she can read it for me."
You hand the book to Sakuya. She opens it to the first page, and begins to read from it out loud. Flandre appears bored and disinterested. She looks around the room as Sakuya reads, clearly not paying attention. Before long she says, "Alright, Sakuya, that's enough." Flandre looks at you and sighs. "Well, I've actually heard this story a few times already. Your intentions were good, though. I can see you were trying to appeal to my interests. Here." She stands, pushing the bed away from the wall. There is a small wooden door, about a meter square, in the floor.
"This door is a secret passageway to Mount Youkai." Flandre says.
Sakuya gasps with astonishment. "Miss Flandre! Are you ... sure you want our guest to take the passage to Mount Youkai? Maybe he's not ready to go there yet."
Flandre shrugs. "Well, he's our guest. It's up to him." Flandre turns to you. "So what's it going to be?"
Oh boy, a secret passage!
Eh, thanks, but I think I'll see what Remilia's up to.
Reading a Story for Flandre
Patchoulli nods. "Wait here." She walks down the aisle, making a turn at the end. You and Sakuya wait for a while. She occasionally smiles at you nervously as you wait for Patchoulli's return. Eventually, Patchoulli reappears at the end of the aisle, carrying a large book. She walks to you, handing it over, a bit out of breath. "There you are. Best of luck to you," she says, returning to her desk.
Sakuya leads you out of the library, through a series of stairs and hallways. You arrive at last at a large cast iron door. At eye level, there is a small slot in the door.
Sakuya smiles at you, then turns to the door. "Miss Flandre?" Sakuya calls into the slot. "I'm here with a guest. We're going to come in, alright?"
There is no response. Nonetheless, Sakuya reaches into her apron, taking out a key. Putting the key in the lock, she turns it. The tumblers fall with a loud clang, and the door slowly swings open.
"Just ... come in behind me." Sakuya says, and enters the room.
It is a small, spartan room, with a small bed in one corner, and a table in chair in the opposite corner. There, sitting with her elbow on the table, chin resting in her hand, is Flandre Scarlet.
She eyes you up briefly, then turns to Sakuya. "Who's this?"
"This is a guest, Miss Flandre. He's new to Gensokyo, so I invited him here to see if he could maybe get some guidance. He requested to see you, specifically."
Flandre turns to you, and grins. "Is that so?
"Yes Miss Flandre. And he brought a book for you."
"How nice," she says with a grin. "Well, give it to Sakuya so that she can read it for me."
You hand the book to Sakuya. She opens it to the first page, and begins to read from it out loud. Flandre appears bored and disinterested. She looks around the room as Sakuya reads, clearly not paying attention. Before long she says, "Alright, Sakuya, that's enough." Flandre looks at you and sighs. "Well, I've actually heard this story a few times already. Your intentions were good, though. I can see you were trying to appeal to my interests. Here." She stands, pushing the bed away from the wall. There is a small wooden door, about a meter square, in the floor.
"This door is a secret passageway to Mount Youkai." Flandre says.
Sakuya gasps with astonishment. "Miss Flandre! Are you ... sure you want our guest to take the passage to Mount Youkai? Maybe he's not ready to go there yet."
Flandre shrugs. "Well, he's our guest. It's up to him." Flandre turns to you. "So what's it going to be?"
Oh boy, a secret passage!
Eh, thanks, but I think I'll see what Remilia's up to.
Reading a Story for Remilia
Patchoulli nods. "Wait here." She walks down the aisle, making a turn at the end. You and Sakuya wait for a while. She occasionally smiles at you nervously as you wait for Patchoulli's return. Eventually, Patchoulli reappears at the end of the aisle, carrying a large book. She walks to you, handing it over, a bit out of breath. "There you are. Best of luck to you," she says, returning to her desk.
Sakuya leads you out of the library, through a series of stairs and hallways. You arrive at last at the double doors, which Sakuya opens for you.
"Our guest has returned with a book for you, my lady," Sakuya announces. Remilia smiles at you as the two of you approach.
"Well good," smiles Remilia, rubbing her hands together. "Give the book to Sakuya, then, so that she may read to me." You hand the book to Sakuya. She opens to the first page, and begins to read out loud.
Remilia's smile immediately drops. She seems utterly bored. Before the first paragraph is done she yawns loudly.
"Stop," she says, and turns to you. "Well. What an utterly predictable choice. I'm sure you meant well, but that bone-dry tome completely killed my hospitable mood. You are excused. Come back when you get some imagination."
Hmph! What an ingrate. I'm going back to the Village.
Reading a Story for Remilia
Patchoulli nods. "Wait here." She walks down the aisle, making a turn at the end. You and Sakuya wait for a while. She occasionally smiles at you nervously as you wait for Patchoulli's return. Eventually, Patchoulli reappears at the end of the aisle, carrying a large book. She walks to you, handing it over, a bit out of breath. "There you are. Best of luck to you," she says, returning to her desk.
Sakuya leads you out of the library, through a series of stairs and hallways. You arrive at last at a set of double doors. Sakuya turns both knobs at once, pushing the doors open.
"My Lady," she announces, "A guest from the outside world has arrived."
The room also has vaulted ceilings and plush burgundy carpeting, like the foyer, but large cast iron candelabras hang from heavy chains, and a long mahogany table lies before you. At the end of the table, you can see the petite outline of Remilia Scarlet. She sets down her teacup, and smiles warmly at you.
"Come," she says. "Let's have a look at the person from the outside world."
Sakuya walks with you as you approach. Remilia regards you steadily, her small, placid smile never flinching, her eyes unblinking. You stop before her. She looks you up and down, and cocks her head. "Hm," she says at last. "For some reason I was expecting something a bit more ... remarkable."
"My Lady, this stranger has traveled a long ways to be here, and has undoubtedly encountered hardships. I offered our help to him. And as you can see, he has a book for you."
Remilia raises an eyebrow as she looks at Sakuya. "Did you now?" Remilia turns back to you. "Well, then, honored guest. You should consider yourself lucky. I'm in a hospitable mood today. Give the book to Sakuya, then, so that she may read to me." You hand the book to Sakuya. She opens to the first page, and begins to read out loud.
Remilia's smile immediately drops. She seems utterly bored. Before the first paragraph is done she yawns loudly.
"Stop," she says, and turns to you. "Well. What an utterly predictable choice. I'm sure you meant well, but that bone-dry tome completely killed my hospitable mood. You are excused. Come back when you get some imagination."
Hmph! What an ingrate. I'm going back to the Village.
Reading a Story for Remilia
Patchoulli nods. "Wait here." She walks down the aisle, making a turn at the end. You and Sakuya wait for a while. She occasionally smiles at you nervously as you wait for Patchoulli's return. Eventually, Patchoulli reappears at the end of the aisle, carrying a large book. She walks to you, handing it over, a bit out of breath. "There you are. Best of luck to you," she says, returning to her desk.
Sakuya leads you out of the library, through a series of stairs and hallways. You arrive at last at the double doors, which Sakuya opens for you.
"Our guest has returned with a book for you, my lady," Sakuya announces. Remilia smiles at you as the two of you approach.
"Well good," smiles Remilia, rubbing her hands together. "Give the book to Sakuya, then, so that she may read to me." You hand the book to Sakuya. She opens to the first page, and begins to read out loud.
Remilia tries to compose herself, but the blush on her cheeks is apparent. She shifts a little in her seat as Sakuya recounts the tale of a pirate who takes a young woman hostage on her wedding day - a proud woman who shows no fear of the bloodthirsty brute, even as his steel-blue eyes seem to penetrate her very soul, eyes that shine with danger and intrigue.
"S-Stop!" Remilia says at last. "Thank you, Sakuya, that will do for now. We can ... continue that later." Remilia turns to you. "Well. That was certainly a bold choice. Clearly you're made of sterner stuff than I thought. Hm. I think I can help you."
Remilia reaches into a pocket of her dress, and produces an envelope, handing it to you. "Here. This is a thank-you letter I have been meaning to have delivered to the moon princess, to show my appreciation for the banquet. If you present this letter at Eientei, saying you are my personal courier, that should at least get you inside. From there, though, you're on your own." Remilia stands. "Sakuya, bring me the silk spinner."
Sakuya bows and leaves at once. Remilia doesn't say a word as she looks at you steadily, as if trying to read you. After a few moments, Sakuya returns with a small, well-crafted spinning wheel of finely polished mahogany.
"This silk spinner has been with me for centuries. It was given to me by a man whose name I don't remember but whose face I'll never forget. It can spin the toughest knot of raw silk into the finest thread. But I'm not much for silk. This is my contribution to spring cleaning."
You receive the Silk Spinner.
Remilia smiles mischieviously. "Never let it be said that Remilia Scarlet never did anything for a stranger. Go, now. It's storytime."
To the Bamboo Forest with you!
Reading a Story for Remilia
Patchoulli nods. "Wait here." She walks down the aisle, making a turn at the end. You and Sakuya wait for a while. She occasionally smiles at you nervously as you wait for Patchoulli's return. Eventually, Patchoulli reappears at the end of the aisle, carrying a large book. She walks to you, handing it over, a bit out of breath. "There you are. Best of luck to you," she says, returning to her desk.
Sakuya leads you out of the library, through a series of stairs and hallways. You arrive at last at a set of double doors. Sakuya turns both knobs at once, pushing the doors open.
"My Lady," she announces, "A guest from the outside world has arrived."
The room also has vaulted ceilings and plush burgundy carpeting, like the foyer, but large cast iron candelabras hang from heavy chains, and a long mahogany table lies before you. At the end of the table, you can see the petite outline of Remilia Scarlet. She sets down her teacup, and smiles warmly at you.
"Come," she says. "Let's have a look at the person from the outside world."
Sakuya walks with you as you approach. Remilia regards you steadily, her small, placid smile never flinching, her eyes unblinking. You stop before her. She looks you up and down, and cocks her head. "Hm," she says at last. "For some reason I was expecting something a bit more ... remarkable."
"My Lady, this stranger has traveled a long ways to be here, and has undoubtedly encountered hardships. I offered our help to him. And as you can see, he has a book for you."
Remilia raises an eyebrow as she looks at Sakuya. "Did you now?" Remilia turns back to you. "Well, then, honored guest. You should consider yourself lucky. I'm in a hospitable mood today. Give the book to Sakuya, then, so that she may read to me." You hand the book to Sakuya. She opens to the first page, and begins to read out loud.
Remilia tries to compose herself, but the blush on her cheeks is apparent. She shifts a little in her seat as Sakuya recounts the tale of a pirate who takes a young woman hostage on her wedding day - a proud woman who shows no fear of the bloodthirsty brute, even as his steel-blue eyes seem to penetrate her very soul, eyes that shine with danger and intrigue.
"S-Stop!" Remilia says at last. "Thank you, Sakuya, that will do for now. We can ... continue that later." Remilia turns to you. "Well. That was certainly a bold choice. Clearly you're made of sterner stuff than I thought. Hm. I think I can help you."
Remilia reaches into a pocket of her dress, and produces an envelope, handing it to you. "Here. This is a thank-you letter I have been meaning to have delivered to the moon princess, to show my appreciation for the bandquet. If you present this letter at Eientei, saying you are my personal courier, that should at least get you inside. From there, though, you're on your own." Remilia stands. "Sakuya, bring me the silk spinner."
Sakuya bows and leaves at once. Remilia doesn't say a word as she looks at you steadily, as if trying to read you. After a few moments, Sakuya returns with a small, well-crafted spinning wheel of finely polished mahogany.
"This silk spinner has been with me for centuries. It was given to me by a man whose name I don't remember but whose face I'll never forget. It can spin the toughest knot of raw silk into the finest thread. But I'm not much for silk. This is my contribution to spring cleaning."
You receive the Silk Spinner.
Remilia smiles mischieviously. "Never let it be said that Remilia Scarlet never did anything for a stranger. Go, now. It's storytime."
To the Bamboo Forest with you!
In the Bamboo Forest
Sakuya flies you to the edge of the Bamboo Forest. She smiles, and bows to you. "It was a pleasure meeting you, stranger. But I am unable to accompany you any farther. I have duties to attend to, after all. I wish you the best of luck." With that, she smiles again, and flies off.
You wander aimlessly through the bamboo forest, the tall stalks stretching upwards, their tops brushing gently together in the soundless breeze. At this point the night is very dark, but the light of the moon provides enough light to be able to see your way. You reckon that if you search for something resembling a path, you will eventually find your way to Eientei. Provided no hostile youkai find you first.
You hear the sound of childish, girlish giggling, coming from somewhere unseen. You freeze. The hairs on the back of your neck rise with a chill as your heart pounds against your ribs. You want to run, but where would you go? All you can do is wait.
Slowly, from behind a large bamboo stalk, Tewi Inaba appears, stepping gingerly towards you, a warm smile on her face.
"Hello there, stranger," she says, stopping a meter before you. "What might you be doing, wandering through the Bamboo Forest, alone at night?"
You explain that you are a courier of Remilia Scarlet, and you have a letter that you have been instructed to deliver to Kaguya personally.
"Oh?" she smiles. "How fortunate for you. I can take the letter to her myself, and save you the trip." She holds out her hand.
Sure I'll give Tewi the letter. If you can't trust a youkai rabbit, who can you trust?
Thanks but no thanks - I'll deliver the letter myself.
Onwards through the Bamboo Forest
Tewi takes the letter from your hand. "You made the right choice," she says with a giggle, and then quickly bounds away into the darkness.
With nowhere else to go, you sit down on the ground, leaning against a stalk of bamboo. Maybe if you stay perfectly still, and sleep here, you can try to find your way out in the morning, when you can see better and the traveling will be safer. As you stretch out your legs, your eyelids begin to get heavy, the chirping of crickets echoing in your head.
The next thing you know, someone is nudging your foot. You open your eyes and look up to see Reisen Inaba standing before you. She appears annoyed.
"I met a certain naughty rabbit back at Eientei who said she had a letter for Lady Kaguya that some clueless human was trying to deliver personally to Eientei. As you're the only human I've thus far encountered in the Bamboo Forest, I can only assume you are this person."
You confirm that this is so, saying that you wish to see Kaguya personally.
"Well, that's not going to happen," Reisen says, crossing her arms. "Not unless you find a gift you can present to her. And a proper one at that."
I don't have a gift for Kaguya.
I think I already have something Kaguya would like.
I've come a long way. Please, just a few minutes of her time.
Onwards through the Bamboo Forest
Tewi appears hurt. "What? Don't you trust me?" Then her face takes on an angry expression. "Fine then. Go ahead and be that way. You'll be sorry. I'll make sure of it!" And with that, she bounds off into the darkness.
You press on through the Bamboo Forest, aimlessly. You begin to regret not giving Tewi the letter. Your regrets start to be confirmed by the unmistakeable sound of tiny footsteps approaching in the darkness. Maybe it would've been a good idea to trust that rabbit after all.
Sometimes your instincts can deceive you.
Reasoning with Reisen
Reisen arches an eyebrow. "Oh? And what might that be?"
I have a silk spinner!
I have a music box!
I have a miniature planetarium!
Oops! I don't actually have anything.
Standing Up for Yourself
Reisen sighs, shaking her head. She taps her foot, thinking a moment.
"Look, I know you came a long way. Normally, I'd be happy to take you to Eientei, but after the banquet, Princess Kaguya's hospitality has been a bit lacking. It seems several guests took advantage of her good graces and made quite a mess of the place. We're only now finishing cleaning up. If you want to see Princess Kaguya, you're going to have to show you mean well."
Reisen turns her head and lets out a short, loud whistle. A youkai rabbit bounds up to you.
"This youkai rabbit will take you back to the Human Village. I'm sorry, but that's just how it is. Feel free to come back when you have something to offer the princess."
A good guest never arrives empty-handed.
The Noodle Stand
The noodle stand is not yet open for business. Behind the counter, the proprietor whistles tunelessly as he sets up his pots. You turn around, looking around the village. No one seems to be on the streets.
The door opens in a cottage three houses down from you, and out steps Nitori Kawashiro. She says her good-byes, waving, and walks towards you. She is carrying a large green canvas sack, slung over one shoulder.
As she walks past you, she eyes you up, then slows down. At last she stops, turning to you.
"You are definitely not from around here," she concludes. "I can't imagine how you got here." She sets the canvas bag down on the ground. "In any event, what brings you?" You tell her about Yukari's request. "Ah, I see. Well, I'm on my way to the Forest of Magic, and then home. You're welcome to come with me. It's not as though you seem exactly prepared to go it alone." She smiles. "But maybe you are. You can go directly to Mount Youkai, if you don't feel like stopping in the Forest of Magic along the way. I'll show you how to get there, if you want."
Actually, I think I'll go with you to the Forest of Magic.
I am a seasoned adventurer and am ready for whatever Mt. Youkai can throw at me.
Think I'll go to the Inn instead.
Think I'll go to the Blacksmith instead.
The Forest of Magic
After a brief and terrifyingly fast flight, the tengu sets you down at the edge of the Forest of Magic. She points at a path leading in.
"Follow that until you see a house. That's Marisa Kirisame's house. If anyone can help you, she can. Well, I'll be keeping an eye on you. Whatever happens, I want to be sure I get an exclusive. Hang on." She lifts her camera and says "Smile" as she takes a photo of you. "Now, be safe. Don't take any stupid chances, and you might be alright. Bye for now!"
And with that, she is gone in a flash, into the sky.
You start walking down the path. The woods are teeming with life. Within the shade of the lush green branches above you, you can hear the sounds of birds chirping. Cicadas sing their strange crescendos. The shade is cool but not cold. You can definitely see the appeal of living in such a place.
As you round a turn in the path, you see that you are approaching Nitori Kawashiro from behind. She is walking slowly, carrying a large green canvas bag, slung over one shoulder.
Hearing your approach, she stops, and turns around.
"Oh!" she appears startled. Then she looks you over a moment. "Going it alone in the Forest of Magic, are you? I have to say, that's pretty brave, but probably one of the safer places for a human." You tell her you are on your way to Marisa Kirisame's. "Ah, you, too? We can go together. I have to drop something off for her. After that, I'm going home. I don't mind the company."
The two of you walk together down the path. She talks to you mostly about Mount Youkai, of all the different species of youkai you could encounter there, about the tengu, and about her workshop. She's friendly, and in good spirits.
Before long you arrive at a small, somewhat worn-looking cottage. Sitting on a wooden chair in front of the cottage is Marisa Kirisame.
She stands, smiling, and waves to Nitori. "Hey there!" She looks you over, and shakes her head. "Ah, no. Yukari got another one, did she?" She sighs, putting her hands on her hips. "Well, you're here now. What does she have you doing?" You tell her you're trying to get invited to the court of Kaguya Houraisan. "Really?" she says with surprise. "Best of luck with that. The moon princess hasn't been in much of a having-guests mood ever since the banquet got out of hand."
"Here you are, Marisa." Nitori tells her, setting the canvas bag on the ground. She opens it up, taking out a bronze wind-up alarm clock, with twin bells on top and a face painted with a mandala-like maroon design. "Good as new. And I found someone in the village who could paint the design you wanted." She hands it to Marisa.
"Great!" she beams. "That's really nice work."
"I'd still like to know where you found a clock like that in any condition."
"I told you already. It was just lying on the ground in the forest."
Nitori shrugs non-committally, and picks up her canvas bag again, slinging it over her shoulder. She turns to you. "Well, I'm heading home. Are you coming? If you are, do you mind carrying this bag for a bit? It's a little heavy, and I hurt my shoulder recently."
Thanks all the same, I'm going to hang out with Marisa.
Sure, I'll help you carry that stuff.
The Forest of Magic
"Off we go then," she smiles, and leads the way down a path leading out of the village.
The sun shines warmly on your skin as you walk down a narrow path through a meadow of tall golden grass. The slight wind creates whorls that dance across the tops of the stalks. Occasionally, a moth will fly aimlessly from a point out of the grasses, and then back into it. Down a gentle slope, you soon arrive at the Forest of Magic.
The woods are teeming with life. Within the shade of the lush green branches above you, you can hear the sounds of birds chirping. Cicadas sing their strange crescendos. The shade is cool but not cold. You can definitely see the appeal of living in such a place.
The two of you walk together down the path. She talks to you mostly about Mount Youkai, of all the different species of youkai you could encounter there, about the tengu, and about her workshop. She's friendly, and in good spirits.
Before long you arrive at a small, somewhat worn-looking cottage. Sitting on a wooden chair in front of the cottage is Marisa Kirisame.
She stands, smiling, and waves to Nitori. "Hey there!" She looks you over, and shakes her head. "Ah, no. Yukari got another one, did she?" She sighs, putting her hands on her hips. "Well, you're here now. What does she have you doing?" You tell her that you have to get invited to the court of Kaguya Houraisan. "Really?" she says with surprise. "Best of luck with that. The moon princess hasn't been in much of a having-guests mood ever since the banquet got out of hand."
"Here you are, Marisa." Nitori tells her, setting the canvas bag on the ground. She opens it up, taking out a bronze wind-up alarm clock, with twin bells on top and a face painted with a mandala-like maroon design. "Good as new. And I found someone in the village who could paint the design you wanted." She hands it to Marisa.
"Great!" she beams. "That's really nice work."
"I'd still like to know where you found a clock like that in any condition."
"I told you already. It was just lying on the ground in the forest."
Nitori shrugs non-committally, and picks up her canvas bag again, slinging it over her shoulder. She turns to you. "Well, I'm heading home. Are you coming? If you are, do you mind carrying this bag for a bit? It's a little heavy, and I hurt my shoulder recently."
Thanks all the same, I'm going to hang out with Marisa.
Sure, I'll help you carry that stuff.
Hanging Out with Marisa
"Alright, can't say I blame you." Nitori smiles sheepishly. "You've got one of Gensokyo's finest right there. Well, best of luck to you!" And with that, she heads off into the woods, back onto the path.
Marisa looks at you and nods. "Alright, stranger. Come on in." She turns and opens the door to her house.
The interior looks considerably larger than the exterior gave away, but it is still crowded with boxes, many of them stacked five or six high, pushed against the walls. It is dimly lit, and you have to walk carefully over and around the boxes. You follow Marisa into the kitchen.
"The thing is, I can't take you to the Bamboo Forest," she explains. "I have a pretty busy schedule. However, I can give you a bit of advice that should help you out. Because of how reluctant the moon princess probably is to guests right now, you'd be more likely to see her if you brought a gift of some kind to her. Now, keep in mind, she's about 1,300 years old. She's seen a lot. Not to mention she has a pretty extensive collection of Lunarian artifacts. If you want to bring something that'll impress her, I recommend you bring something timeless. Something you'd never get tired of using, even if only now and then."
Marisa smiles at you. "You're alright, you know that? I think you're gonna do fine. Well then. I'm going to take you to the village, since it's on my way. Bet you never rode a broom before, have you? There's something you could tell your grandkids."
To the Human Village with you!
On with Nitori
"Thanks so much!" Nitori beams, handing you the canvas bag. "So long, Marisa!"
"So long!" Marisa chirps back with a wave. She turns to you. "And have a good time in Gensokyo, stranger. Try not to die."
You walk down the path through the Forest of Magic with Nitori. She is quiet now, noticing that the heavy sack takes some effort for you to carry. Before long you emerge from the woods, and Mount Youkai looms before you. It cuts an impressive form - steep slopes of grass snake through the woods, a waterfall carving through the trees further up, the peak obscured by clouds.
You follow Nitori up one of the grassy slopes, through a patch of woods, and then to the shores of a stream. Besides it, a well-kept wooden cabin rests. "We're here," Nitori smiles.
The two of you walk to the front door of the cabin. She opens it for you, then takes the canvas sack from you. "I'll take that."
You step inside. As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you see three tables, above which hang shelves of differently-labeled identical boxes. There are hooks in the walls, tools lined up according to size held there. On the floor under the tables are a variety of mechanical devices in varying states of construction and repair.
Nitori sets the canvas sack down on the floor next to a table. "I really appreciate you carrying this all the way. Really means a lot to me. Sorry about the clutter. I've been meaning to get this place in shape." She pauses, looking around. "Hm. You know what? Why don't you take something with you? Consider it a thank-you gift. You'd be doing me a favor, believe me. I don't know what I'm going to do with half this stuff." She walks to a table across from the front door. Under it there are three different items.
"I have a music box. I got it trading for some three-centimeter bolts. It's interesting, I guess, but it's not really useful. You might like it, though. Well, again, thanks. Just to show you I'm really thankful, I can give either take you back to the village now, or I can take you to the gates of Scarlet Devil Mansion."
Think I'll head back to the Human Village.
Think I'll go to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Secret Passage
"Ah, aren't you brave?" smiles Flandre, opening the door in the floor for you. "I can tell you're made of stern stuff. Go now and conquer!"
You climb down a ladder under the door as Flandre shuts it above you. It is completely dark. Once you reach the bottom, you feel around the cold, damp stone walls, and find a passage. It is narrow, and you need to stoop a little to walk down on it. You step slowly, your hands against either side of the passage, moving solely by sense of touch.
After walking for a few meters, you feel your right foot catch on something. You reach down and feel a tightly-stretched cord, crossing the passage at about ankle-level. Then you hear behind you the sound of metal grinding, and a crash of steel against stone. You turn, and find your hands are touching cold iron bars. They do not budge. Turning around again, your hands touch another stone wall, blocking your way.
Guess who's coming to dinner?
Beware of psychotic vampires bearing gifts.
The Presentation
"Oh!" says Aya, a little surprised. "Well, in that case, I'm taking you to the Bamboo Forest." She steps behind you, wrapping her arms around your torso. "Hang on tight!"
In a flash, you are off. Flying at a panic-inducing speed through the air for a few moments, the two of you suddenly drop down. She sets you down gently on the ground within the Bamboo Forest. A few meters away, you see Reisen Inaba, her back to the two of you.
"She was pretty easy to spot," says Aya. "Wonder what she's doing out here? Hello!" She calls to her. "Reisen! I've got someone here you should meet."
Reisen turns around, eyeing you suspiciously. She approaches.
"Fancy meeting you out here," smiles Aya, to Reisen. "This traveler here wants to see Princess Kaguya. And he says he's got something valuable on him."
Reisen turns her gaze from Aya to you.
"Is that so?" Reisen asks you. "And what is it you have?"
I have a silk spinner!
I have a music box!
I have a miniature planetarium!
Oops! I don't actually have anything.
Walking Back Home
Sakuya leads you down the hallway, her head bowed slightly, looking embarrassed. She doesn't say a word as she takes you to the foyer, opens the door to the courtyard, and then leads you to the gate.
"I'm ... really sorry that things turned out the way they did. I do hope you'll be safe out there. If I could, I'd like to give you a little advice. If you intend to visit the moon princess, don't come empty-handed. She lost some valuables during the banquet, and no one can seem to locate them. She's probably a little suspicious of strangers arriving out of nowhere. Bringing a gift would be a sign of good faith. Anyways, best of luck to you, stranger. Farewell."
She bows to you, opening the gate. Hong Meiling looks you over once before shaking her head slowly as you walk away.
You walk down the path to the shore of the island. There, the rowboat is moored, lazily bouncing on the waves of the lake. Suddenly, a flash of blueish-white light streaks through the sky, and there is a loud crash to your left. The tremors of the impact shake your legs a little. Swooping down from out of the blue, Cirno appears before you.
"A ha! There you are!" She shouts, a mischievious grin on her face as she floats in the sky above you. "Do you know the Spell Card Rules? Oh you do? Good. In that case, let's see what you got, outsider!"
「 Ice Sign - Icicle Fall 」
Youkai sometimes like to test you.
Presenting the Silk Spinner
"Oh?" says Reisen. "Let's see it." You show her the silk spinner. She looks it over, mildly impressed. "Well, that is something. Alright, I'll take you to Eientei, and tell Princess Kaguya you have a gift for her. Let's go."
At once, you're off over the tops of the bamboo, flying beneath the starry night sky domed above you. Before long, Reisen begins to fly the two of you downwards. You see, within a clearing of the bamboo, a large Japanese-style mansion. Torches on high poles surround the place. You can see youkai rabbits milling about in the courtyard.
Reisen sets you down in the courtyard. It is silent, and the mansion looks even more forboding up close.
"Give me the silk spinner." Reisen says. "Good. Now, wait here. I will present your gift to the princess. If she likes what she sees, I'll come back to fetch you. If not, I'll take you back to the Human Village. Just try not to bother the rabbits." Reisen turns, and heads into Eientei.
You wait in the courtyard, the youkai rabbits eyeing you cautiously, giving you a wide birth as they ready their bowls and mallets for the Moon Festival. You watch them as they work. Somewhere deep in the Bamboo Forest, you hear the distant cry of a creature you don't recognize.
Soon Reisen emerges from the mansion. She approaches you quickly, and takes you by the hand.
"Come on," she says. "Guess it's not your night."
A timeless gift always pleases.
Presenting the Music Box
"Oh?" says Reisen. "Let's see it." You show her the music box. She appears confused at first, and then just nods her head. "Well, that is something. Alright, I'll take you to Eientei, and tell Princess Kaguya you have a gift for her. Let's go."
At once, you're off over the tops of the bamboo, flying beneath the starry night sky domed above you. Before long, Reisen begins to fly the two of you downwards. You see, within a clearing of the bamboo, a large Japanese-style mansion. Torches on high poles surround the place. You can see youkai rabbits milling about in the courtyard.
Reisen sets you down in the courtyard. It is silent, and the mansion looks even more forboding up close.
"Give me the music box." Reisen says. "Good. Now, wait here. I will present your gift to the princess. If she likes what she sees, I'll come back to fetch you. If not, I'll take you back to the Human Village. Just try not to bother the rabbits." Reisen turns, and heads into Eientei.
You wait in the courtyard, the youkai rabbits eyeing you cautiously, giving you a wide birth as they ready their bowls and mallets for the Moon Festival. You watch them as they work. Somewhere deep in the Bamboo Forest, you hear the distant cry of a creature you don't recognize.
Soon Reisen emerges from the mansion. She approaches you quickly, and takes you by the hand.
"Come on," she says. "You don't want to keep the princess waiting."
Reisen leads you into Eientei.
The long, dark hallways are lined with slide doors. As you pass intersections, hallways to the left and right seem to stretch on forever. Youkai rabbits clear a path for you and Reisen as you pass, their heads bowed. Reisen's movements are crisp, formal. Before long you arrive at the end of the corridor, in front of a large sliding door.
"Princess Kaguya welcomes you to her court. Please show the princess your respect, kindness and deference." Reisen slides the door open for you. "You may enter."
Within the room, a soft, haunting and melancholic melody is playing, the resonating metalic tones of a music box. The room is spacious, and covered in tatami mats. To the right, a pair of sliding doors reaching from floor to ceiling are opened wide, revealing the silohuettes of tall bamboo stalks, swaying slowly against the night sky. Incense burns in a small stone bowl placed just to the side of the doors. In the center of the room, four large white paper lanterns, illuminated from within by candles, rest at four corners around a small pile of thick silk pillows dyed deep red. And on those pillows sits Kaguya Houraisan, holding the music box, staring out at the night sky, smiling.
"Come," she says quietly. You advance. "Sit," she says, when you are about three meters from her.
She turns to you at last. Her eyes are infinitely deep and dark, as if you are staring into the center of the earth.
"What is this melody?" she asks you. "Oh, you don't know? I see. Pity. I would like to meet the composer. I have never heard this before. It makes me think of the moon. The good times I had there. Not that I don't like my life in Gensokyo, of course. It's paradise. But for a long time now, whenever I thought of the moon, I'd only been able to remember the bad times." She sighs. "I love music, you know. But I've heard so many songs over and over that you want to hear something new. For bringing me this, I thank you."
Kaguya smiles warmly at you. "So tell me. Since you were gracious enough to bring me this gift, how can I entertain you? There's a lot I could tell you about life on the moon. I'll have the rabbits bring some food and drink. And I'll show you some rare Lunarian items. I might even open my private collection." She laughs to herself a bit. "You know, the things that happened at the banquet I threw recently made me doubt whether I should invite people here again. But this reminds me that there are still decent people out there. Thank you, stranger. Now then," she snaps her fingers once, and the sliding doors open. Reisen enters.
"Yes, Princess?"
"Have the rabbits put a dinner together for our guest. And ready the Lunarian exhibit. Our guest will be entertained."
Reisen bows crisply and leaves, sliding the door shut behind her.
You spend the evening enjoying great food, great drink, warm and fascinating conversation about life on the moon, and marveling at the Lunarian artifacts Kaguya presents to you. All the while, her ancient eyes smile at you. Well being and joy surrounds you. So much so that even after Yukari arrives some hours later, and gaps you back to your sunny summer sidewalk back home, the magic and beauty of Gensokyo resonates through every cell in your body.
Well done.
On to Mt. Youkai
"Wow, you're pretty confident," says Nitori, impressed. "Alright, I sketch out a map for you. Hang on." She sets down the canvas sack, and then takes off her backpack. She reaches into a side pocket and takes out a small pad of paper and a pencil. She opens the pad, sketching. "This is a little-known path through the Forest of Magic. It's a bit dangerous, but you should be able to handle anything that comes your way.
You take the map, thanking her, and head off.
Once out of the village, you follow a path that leads alongside a ravine cutting through a field of grass. Wildflowers grow along the edges of the ravine. By the map, following the ravine will take you to the entrance to the path in the Forest of Magic.
As you wade through the grasses, you catch the movement of a shadow out of the corner of your eye. You stop, turning your head. You see movement in the grass, a few meters to your left. You press on faster. Footsteps approach you quickly from behind. You turn, but never manage to turn all the way around.
It's better to stick to more well-worn paths.
Presenting the Planetarium
"Oh?" says Reisen. "Let's see it." You show her the planetarium. She looks it over, clearly impressed. "Well, that is something. Alright, I'll take you to Eientei, and tell Princess Kaguya you have a gift for her. Let's go."
At once, you're off over the tops of the bamboo, flying beneath the starry night sky domed above you. Before long, Reisen begins to fly the two of you downwards. You see, within a clearing of the bamboo, a large Japanese-style mansion. Torches on high poles surround the place. You can see youkai rabbits milling about in the courtyard.
Reisen sets you down in the courtyard. It is silent, and the mansion looks even more forboding up close.
"Give me the planetarium." Reisen says. "Good. Now, wait here. I will present your gift to the princess. If she likes what she sees, I'll come back to fetch you. If not, I'll take you back to the Human Village. Just don't stray too far." Reisen turns, and heads into Eientei.
You wait in the courtyard, the youkai rabbits eyeing you cautiously, giving you a wide birth as they ready their bowls and mallets for the Moon Festival. You watch them as they work. Somewhere deep in the Bamboo Forest, you hear the distant cry of a creature you don't recognize.
Soon Reisen emerges from the mansion. She approaches you quickly, and takes you by the hand.
"Come on," she says. "Better get you back to the village before the festival."
What do you get someone over a thousand years old?
(Images: Pixiv, Pixiv and Pixiv.)
Good work. Can't wait to get working on this. :3